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September 10th
The Blank Check
Posted 2013-06-19 03:09:04 By DilemmaQueen   |  

Today, my teenage son told me this morning before school about baseball pictures being taken today and he had to have the money or wouldn't get his pictures taken with the team. He didn't have any information with prices, no form of who to pay, nothing, all he knew was it was going to be about $50 and he had to have the money, today. He suggested I just give him a Blank Check and he would fill it in. After much discussion and cautioning him about carrying around a blank check, I relented and gave him the Blank check. During the day he called me at work to ask me a BIG favor. Five of his teammates had forgot their money and he asked if he could use the Blank Check to cover them and they all swore they would bring their money tomorrow (and the coach said he would make sure they followed through)...what to do? I was already leary of giving a blank check for my son's pictures, and now I am opening myself up to five more sets of pictures. .

Voting time limit of 24 hours has passed. See the communities votes below
Do I say no way to covering the cost (if only for a day) for all the other kids.
0 %
Do I say yes but ask him to get all their names and addresses.
0 %
Do I tell him to have the coach pay for the other kids.
0 %
Do I say yes and pray for the best.
0 %

Community Comments


Posted by DilemmaQueen

I said "Yes" and wished for the best. It all worked out wonderfully. Every young man brought his money the next day without a hitch. I am so grateful I exercised trust that day - I think we were all better people because of it.

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