A site to see, solve, and share everyday dilemmas
March 12th
Have a DILEMMA you need HELP to solve?

So you have something that has been bothering you. You have had thoughts bouncing around inside your head and you just don’t know what to do....

It’s a case for What’s Your Dilemma!

What’s Your Dilemma can capture your Dilemma, along with possible options and then you turn it loose to let the world help solve it!

Everyone loves to offer advice, and this time you can actually ask for it. Accept what works for you, discarding all the rest without anyone the wiser.

Simply start by Logging into the site and enter your Dilemma, and then begin the journey of solving your dilemma. No more sitting on the fence or stewing....time to start solving!

LOGIN to What’s Your Dilemma?

First time to the site?

Creating a Login account is simple, a few simple entries and
you will be ready to go.

From any page select “Login” from the Menu bar at the top.

Select “Create your account” and a profile template will appear. Enter your unique information, select terms and conditions,
and viola you are a new user!


Welcome to the active community of What’s your dilemma?

In creating a user id
if you want to appear anonymous, on our site, create a user ID that does not identify you to those who know you well.

Your user ID will appear on your dilemmas and any comments you make on other dilemmas - so if you don’t want your ex to be able to easily identify you, don’t call your self by the pet name your ex had for you...choose something new and different, something that will not easily identify you.

We want you to be able to share freely, so give yourself a user ID that frees you to Share freely!

Enter your DILEMMA on the site

You have a dilemma and not sure what to do? Simply select Share Your Dilemma on the home page and the site will present to you a page to enter your dilemma title and descriptions, along with any options you see as possibilities. Hit Post Dilemma to share your
dilemma and your options with the world.

Requirements for sharing a dilemma:
You must be logged in to the site. If you don’t have a login, creating a Login is simple, just click on “create account” to get started.

A few easy entries and you will have a user name to log in to the site.

Enter possible OPTIONS to solve the Dilemma

You have a dilemma and not a clue how to solve it? No worries - we ask you to enter at least two options, but if you have none, then just put any data in the options fields to move forward.

Options you have thought about allow the world to vote between several things you might be considering. If you are drawing a blank and just want the community to offer up comments, not votes, not to worry. Enter anything in the two options fields and move forward :)

You SHARE Your Dilemma & Options

You can share your dilemma at the click of a button and get instant help to solve whatever dilemma is happening in your life. When you post your dilemma and options, your input is instantly shared with anyone who visits our site. Anyone can see all dilemmas. All dilemmas are available for general viewing at this time.

Your dilemma and your options for solving your dilemma, are all unique to you and linked to your user ID. If you want to share dilemmas that might be sensitive in nature and want to appear anonymous, make sure your user id does not contain your name or something that uniquely is tied to you.

View and VOTE on the Dilemma Options

Each day a new Spotlight dilemma will be posted on the
main page for your viewing pleasure.

Check back daily to see the new Spotlight as well as all
the new Dilemmas posted within the last day.

You can view and vote on ALL dilemmas without having
a user ID or being logged in.

Voting is open for ONLY 24 hours for any single dilemma, so set your timer to check back daily to view and vote on new Dilemmas.

You vote on what you believe are the best
options as written by the dilemma poster.

If you want to do more than view and vote, create yourself a user ID
so you can add comments too.

You SHARE Your Dilemma & Options

You can share your dilemma at the click of a button and get instant help to solve whatever dilemma is happening in your life. When you post your dilemma and options, your input is instantly shared with anyone who visits our site. Anyone can see all dilemmas. All dilemmas are available for general viewing at this time.

Your dilemma and your options for solving your dilemma, are all unique to you and linked to your user ID. If you want to share dilemmas that might be sensitive in nature and want to appear anonymous, make sure your user id does not contain your name or something that uniquely is tied to you.

Others COMMENT on your Dilemma and options

It is easy to offer advice right?
How many times have you wanted to give advice but held back? Well you don’t have to hold back anymore. This site is intentionally designed and set up to solicit feedback on any and all life’s dilemmas. There are no limits to the kinds of dilemmas we can help solve, with your help. Our community of dilemma posters are looking for your help and guidance on simple everyday dilemmas, to more complex, challenging dilemmas, so give them what they ask for - your vote and your comments.

We are all about trying to help each other, in the most positive way. When others comment on your dilemmas, you the poster have the ability to identify comments that were most helpful to you. The site gives users 24 hours to vote or comment on any dilemma before closing the dilemma for additional updates. Once 24 hours has passed the owner of the dilemma can award good comments a Gold, Silver or Bronze award in appreciation for taking the time to provide helpful comments.

Here’s your chance to be a Gold Medal Contributor!!!

Provide great comments to dilemma posters in the community and start collecting your Gold Medals today.

You must have a user ID and be logged in to offer comments and collect rewards.

Share the EPILOGUE of how you solved your Dilemma

So what happened?
We all have that thirst to find out how someone moved forward and how things turned out.

We wait with baited breath to read about how you solved your dilemma and what course you took. Here is your chance to share your “hopefully happy ending” or whatever ending you were going for.

You can share as much or as little as you like - but we do hope you share something.

We would like our dilemmas to all come to resolution of some sort - and so here you can tell us what happened.

After you share your epilogue, your dilemma is closed forever. No more comments can be posted after your epilogue is written.

Out of respect, we want you, the owner of the dilemma, to have the last word. You write the ending, every time.