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October 18th
Plus One Invite...
Posted 2013-07-12 20:38:13 By DilemmaQueen   |  

I have been invited to special party for my friends anniversary and my invite said "and Guest". As a single lady I was delighted to be able to bring someone with me and so I reached out to a friend who I dated a few years back and asked him to join me. He agreed to accompany me and we met last night for coffee and caught up on life. After meeting, I realize it will be far easier and more comfortable for me to go alone to the party. I have been single for 8 years now and all my friends will be there with their husbands and this is not the time or place to bring someone with me, who is "just" a friend. I don't want to make sure he feels I am attentive, I just want to enjoy the party with my friends and not have a date with me...what do I do? The party is a month away. .

Voting time limit of 24 hours has passed. See the communities votes below
Do I call him right away and let him know what I am thinking and gracefully uninvite him?
0 %
Do I let some time pass and just tell him it doesn't feel right any longer?
0 %
Do I tell him after talking last night and learning he has recently gone through a breakup - that it doesn't feel right any more?
0 %
Do I honor my invite to him and just make the most of it and learn from this experience?
0 %

Community Comments


Posted by DilemmaQueen

Option 1 - almost as soon as finished writing this dilemma option 1 seemed like the only right thing to do. I called him and apologized for not thinking through the invite and told him I needed to attend alone. He was totally gracious and kind about the situation...and I was very grateful for his response, whew :)

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