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February 11th
HOA fees...
Posted 2014-04-17 17:27:53 By sallys   |  

I am being held responsible for 18 months of missed HOA fees, totalling about $12,000 - for the time I had voluntarily surrendered a property back to the bank. I had called the bank repeatedly after surrendering it, and after they acknowledged I surrendered it, and had even secured the property on their behalf. I called the bank repeatedly, asking them to remove my name from the property, but they never did. I have since taken the property back and the Home owners associations are holding me responsible for all the fees the bank should have covered, when I had surrendered the property to them. What to do? .

Voting time limit of 24 hours has passed. See the communities votes below
Pay the fees and just know you can't fight the HOA on this.
100 %
Hold the bank responsible in small claims court for some or all of these costs
0 %
Work with the HOAs to come to some reasonable arrangement on paying back a partial amount of the fees
0 %
Have the bank pay the fees up front and allow the bank to add the fees to my loan...a loan I am sure will never get paid off in my lifetime.
0 %

Community Comments

Posted by KatyS on November/30/-0001

How appalling you have to pay for 18 months of not living in your home...the banks...they really pulled a bag over your head. Sorry to hear this.


Posted by sallys

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